Sidekiq-rs in a Rails app
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Great project. Thanks.
I'm currently looking at alternatives to Sidekiq, which is functionally great, with better performance.
Sidekiq-rs seems great for that.
However I have some point that aren't yet clear for me.
- Can I do something like this
Rails app --> Active Job (ruby) Enqueuing --> Sidekiq-rs --> Active Job (ruby) Worker
In the synergie example
From the PR
A job is created in Ruby to be processed in Rust. But you're still launching sidekiq in the Procfile. Is it necessary -
Rust main
What would be the minimum to launch the server and the middleware please ?
So for all the questions, I'm discovering Rust.
Thanks for your help,
Hey @jbpfran ! Sorry for the slow reply.
You can have your rails app enqueue a job to be processed by this crate. You can also enqueue a job with this crate to be processed by a ruby worker.
So, if you want to only have sidekiq-rs process workers with no sidekiq.rb process running, this is for sure doable.
If you want to create a sequence that looks like:
- Ruby app creates a job for rust app to process
- Rust processes the job and enqueues a new job for ruby app to process
- Ruby processes the new job
It would probably look something like (untested):
# Rails App
# Create stub class to make enqueueing easy to the rust worker
class Step1Worker
include ::Sidekiq::Job
def perform(_state); end # handled by rust
class Step2Worker
include ::Sidekiq::Job
def perform(state)
def start
# I'm starting the flow by enqueueing a job for rust to process
Step1Worker.perform_async("user_id" => 42)
// Rust
use async_trait::async_trait;
use bb8::Pool;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sidekiq::{Processor, RedisConnectionManager, RedisPool, Worker};
use slog::{o, Drain};
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Serialize)]
struct StepperState {
user_id: i32,
step2_id: Option<i32>,
struct Step1Worker {
redis: RedisPool,
impl Worker<StepperState> for Step1Worker {
async fn perform(&self, state: StepperState) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Queue the next job in the flow. The ruby app will process this.
let mut redis = self.redis.clone();
&mut redis,
StepperState {
user_id: state.user_id,
step2_id: Some(1337),
impl Step1Worker {
fn do_something(&self) {
println!("I did something!");
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Logger
let decorator = slog_term::PlainSyncDecorator::new(std::io::stdout());
let drain = slog_term::FullFormat::new(decorator).build().fuse();
let logger = slog::Logger::root(drain, o!());
// Redis
let manager = RedisConnectionManager::new("redis://")?;
let redis = Pool::builder().build(manager).await?;
// Sidekiq server
let mut p = Processor::new(redis.clone(), logger.clone(), vec!["some_flow".to_string()]);
// Add known workers
p.register(Step1Worker { redis });;
Hope this helps!
Thanks a lot for the explanation and examples.
Gotta a lot to explore now.
Let me know if you have any other questions ❤️ !