
Can't get example to execute

thwerks opened this issue · 3 comments

When I put "import hass from 'homeassistant-ws';" into my NodeJS app i get

"SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module"

normally I experience something like with the home-assistant library, It looks like this:

   HomeAssistant = require('homeassistant'),
    hass = new HomeAssistant({
        host: '',       // Home Assistant IP address
        port: 8123,                     // Home Assistant port number
        token: 'my-token',
        ignoreCert: true                // above is Home Assistant long lived token 

But your library have to use Import? why its like that? is there a way to just use require like in my example?

Anyway, i dont normally use "package.json" file for my project but I made this file and put this inside:

    "type": "module"

Ok so now seems to be going a step further, but now getting errors like :

  import hass from 'hass';
SyntaxError: Identifier 'hass' has already been declared

if i remove this line (import hass from 'hass';) and keep only the line (import hass from 'homeassistant-ws';) , then i get:

TypeError: hass is not a function

I used many libraries already including the NPM home-assistant library with no issues but I have no idea how to make this work. I love this minimalist approach and using websocket for HA.

Can you please provide a working example? And can you please share how to import the library using the "Const Require" way? So i dont have to use package.json file? I'd really appreciate it and I love to share the project I'm going to use this library for.

This is my example, is this incomplete? am i supposed to call function main()? is it supposed to be import hass from 'homeassistant-ws'; or import hass from 'hass'; or both? I dont get it.

if i dont call main() the app just ends immediately, but if i call main() i get error: TypeError: hass is not a function

import hass from 'homeassistant-ws';

async function main() {
  // Establishes a connection, and authenticates if necessary:
  const client = await hass({
     token: 'my-token', 
     host: '',
     port: 8123,

  // Get a list of all available states, panels or services:
  await client.getStates();
  await client.getServices();
  await client.getPanels();

  // Get hass configuration:
  await client.getConfig();

  // Get a Buffer containing the current thumbnail for the given media player
  await client.getMediaPlayerThumbnail('media_player.my_player');
  // { content_type: 'image/jpeg', content: Buffer<...>}

  // Get a Buffer containing a thumbnail for the given camera
  await client.getCameraThumbnail('camera.front_yard');
  // { content_type: 'image/jpeg', content: Buffer<...>}

  // Call a service, by its domain and name. The third argument is optional.
  await client.callService('lights', 'turn_on', {
    entity_id: 'light.my_light',

  // Listen for all HASS events - the 'message' event is a homeassistant-ws event triggered for
  // all messages received through the websocket connection with HASS:
  // See for details on HASS events:
  client.on('message', (rawMessageData) => {

  // Listen only for state changes:
  client.on('state_changed', (stateChangedEvent) => {

did you ever get this to work? I'm having the same issue.

did you ever get this to work? I'm having the same issue.

No, i think this is not a functioning api. Im using twocolors esphome-native-api and its working great.