IO exception error when setting field security settings
RandyTrigg opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi there,
I'm a total newbie to the MetadataService class, and excited by its possibilities. After downloading the class from github into a sandbox, I wrote a method to make fields editable following the advice in
I get this error: System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Read timed out
I'm betting there's some bit of setup that I haven't done. Here's my code. Anyone see anything obviously wrong (I've tried changing the p.custom setting to true and leaving it out altogether to no avail)?
public static void makeFieldsEditable (String[] profileNames, String[] fieldNames) {
MetadataService.MetadataPort service = createService();
List<MetadataService.Profile> profiles = new List<MetadataService.Profile>();
for (String pName : profileNames) {
MetadataService.Profile p = new MetadataService.Profile();
p.fullName = pName;
p.custom = false;
p.fieldPermissions = new List<MetadataService.ProfileFieldLevelSecurity>();
for (String fName : fieldNames) {
MetadataService.ProfileFieldLevelSecurity fSec = new MetadataService.ProfileFieldLevelSecurity();
fSec.field = fName;
fSec.editable = true;
List<MetadataService.SaveResult> results = service.updateMetadata(profiles);
- Randy Trigg
Oops - I should have researched that error before submitting an issue. I see now that I needed to increase the timeout value for the webservices callout that MetadataService makes to compute results. And it's easy to do that using the handy timeout__x field of the MetadataPort class. I modified createService like so, and all is well:
public static MetadataService.MetadataPort createService()
MetadataService.MetadataPort service = new MetadataService.MetadataPort();
service.SessionHeader = new MetadataService.SessionHeader_element();
service.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId();
service.timeout_x = 40000;
return service;
Awesome work, i've referenced this as a known issue and resolution in the readme!
Thanks so much @RandyTrigg This was all I needed to past the blocker