
Issue with Icingaweb 2 Graphite plugin

tbaror opened this issue · 9 comments

I added graphite plugin to Icinga web2 and enable it ,but now when i am trying to visualize graphs i get following page error attached image
Any idea?
Please advice

That is just an iframe and what you see there is You need to configure the plugin to use your own graphite url. See /etc/icingaweb/modules/graphite/ and change base_url.

Thanks for the answer , I manually created config.ini with following
metric_prefix = icinga
base_url = /render?
since my graphite is installed local , now its shows the graph nicely but when i choose for example last 10min 1hr and so forth i get following gibberish screen attached (looks likes png that that not render well) ,
any idea ?
5-16-2015 9-07-41 pm

What is the source (src) for the iframe?

Hi ,
I don't see the iframe , i just see that when i click on time frame

10 minutes 1 hour 12 hours 1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year
i get the i mage in a div instead of img , but when i right click and Open link in new TAB i get img time frame correctly


Same problem here.
I have to servers with Icinga2, Icingaweb2 + Graphite
On the first server:
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 2.6.32-37-pve x86_64)
Graphite is running on an extra subdomain.

Second server:
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-38-generic x86_64)
Graphite and Icingaweb running on the same domain.

need to replace replace relative path to absolute like here: kain64@5a81252.
it's work for me. but I'm nube in PHP : )

Thanks for taking a look @kain64 however the path is absolute already. Also thanks for introducing me to the term "nub", i intend to take that as my own..

Duh looking at it again thanks to @kain64 's insight i think i see the problem now. @tbaror and @mipapo please use an absolute url for the configuration setting "base_url" and see if that helps.

I came across both issues found here after fixing the 'No Data' issue by updating Grapher.php per #23

the first was fixed by adding a config.ini in /etc/icingaweb2/modules/graphite (note this not the /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules path) and ensuring the base_url was a full path ( Mine is something like:

metric_prefix = icinga
base_url =
legacy_mode = true
service_name_template = "$$.$$"
host_name_template = "$$"
graphite_args_template = "&target=$target$&source=0&width=300&height=120&hideAxes=true&lineWidth=2&hideLegend=true&colorList=049BAF"
graphite_large_args_template = "&target=alias(color($target$_warn,'yellow'),'warning')&target=alias(color($target$_crit,'red'),'critical')&target=$target$&source=0&width=800&height=700&colorList=049BAF&lineMode=connected"

the second issue - large graph png being incorrectly rendered as gibberish - i fixed by making sure both my icingaweb2 and graphite instances were configured as vhosts (i have them running on the same phyiscal machine), as the issue appeared when icingaweb2 was not running as a vhost using the default icingaweb2 config. Equally you then need to update your icingaweb2-module-graphite's config.ini so the base_url points to the vhost address (like my example above)

hope this helps someone.