Implement golden ratio
07tAnYa opened this issue · 3 comments
The golden ratio, denoted as φ, is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 1.618. It represents a proportion where the ratio of the sum of two quantities to the larger quantity is the same as the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one. This ratio is found in nature, art, and architecture and is celebrated for its aesthetic appeal and harmonious properties.
🐞 Problem
Generate the fibonacci series
🎯 Goal || How can it benefit other users?
We can implement fibonacci series for various purposes like :
Mathematics , Computer Science , Finance , Biology , Art and Design , Architecture , Information Theory ,
, Natural Phenomena , Pseudorandom Number Generation , Game Development
💡 Possible solutions
Golden ratio is one of the effective way to solve these.
📋 Steps to solve the problem
- Comment below about what you've started working on.
- Add, commit, push your changes.
- Submit a pull request and add this in comments -
Addresses #<put issue number here>
- Ask for reviews in comments section of pull request.
- Celebrate your contribution to this project. 🎉
@07tAnYa Please Star ⭐️ the repo to earn "hacktober-accepted" label for the event.
Meanwhile if you want to work on this issue, Please raise the PR and we will review and merge it.
Yes , I have already done that
Can i start working on this ?