Create a Wheather App
Sa2003hil opened this issue · 8 comments
Hello @fineanmol ,
I would like to take ownership of the weather app project and work on this issue. To make it Hacktoberfest-friendly, could you please add the labels 'hacktoberfest' and 'hacktoberfest-accepted' to this issue? Additionally, I kindly request that this issue be assigned to me.
Thank you for your assistance!
Best regards,
@Sa2003hil Please Star ⭐️ the repo to earn "hacktober-accepted" label for the event.
Meanwhile if you want to work on this issue, Please raise the PR and we will review and merge it.
@fineanmol Thank you for the update. I have starred ⭐️ the repository to earn the "hacktober-accepted" label for the event. I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to this project.
I'm interested in working on this issue and will proceed to raise a Pull Request (PR). Once the PR is submitted, I look forward to your review and potential merge.
@fineanmol I have starred ⭐️ the repository can you put label "hacktober-accepted" for the event
Please assign this issue to me.
if no one is working on this issue....can you please assign it to me
I request you to please assign me this issue
Please assign this issue to me
can you assign this issue to me under the label Hacktoberfest 2023?