
Adding name and script to the repo

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Adding name and script to the repo
Please assign me this issue under the tag hacktoberfest2024

๐Ÿž Problem
I am providing my description and a script running a factorial of a number

๐ŸŽฏ Goal
To let users calculate the factorial of a number easily and effortlessly

๐Ÿ’ก Possible solutions
A python script/program running factorial of a number

๐Ÿ“‹ Steps to solve the problem

  • There will be a button with a placeholder
  • Where users need to write down the number for which they need the factorial then they need to hit the run button to get the
  • factorial.

@saarimshaikh Please Star โญ๏ธ the repo to earn "hacktober-accepted" label for the event.
Meanwhile if you want to work on this issue, Please raise the PR and we will review and merge it.

I have stared the repo can you assign this issue to me under the hacktoberfest 2024 tag