
Double values in Crop TCFs?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

nk027 commented

Apparently the values from inst/tcf_cbs.csv are doubled when casted into the elements of Cs (see below). I was not able to reproduce this:

> tcf_cbs[area_code == 1, .(source_code, item_code, tcf)]                                       
   source_code item_code    tcf
1:        2514      2582 0.4500
2:        2620      2655 0.7200
3:        2536      2541 0.0900
4:        2536      2818 0.1012
5:        2537      2818 0.1288
6:        2805      2581 0.1400
> Cs[[1]]                                                                                       
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
     2514   2536   2537 2620 2805
[1,] .    0.0900 .      .    .   
[2,] .    .      .      .    0.14
[3,] 0.45 .      .      .    .   
[4,] .    .      .      0.72 .   
[5,] .    0.1012 0.1288 .    .

nk027 commented

This stemmed from #70 and is now fixed (affected a few countries).