
Dont working in Firefox

JonhnyDev opened this issue · 3 comments

I installed on NextJS, the latest version, it works great for google Chmmo, Vivaldi, Brave and Opera, but on FireFox of the following error:

error.message FPJSAgentError: Error: Network connection error
Requisição cross-origin bloqueada: A diretiva de mesma origem (same origin policy) impede a leitura do recurso remoto em (motivo: falha na requisição CORS). Código de status: (null).


ilfa commented

Hi @JonhnyDev, thanks for trying our integration!

The problem that you get is mostly about our FingerprintJS Pro Agent. It makes XHR requests to our servers for better device identification. And adblocking and tracking prevention mechanisms don't allow it for privacy reasons as Firefox does in your case. You can read more about it on the official Firefox support page. And you can turn it off for you the development environment if you just want to test something.

Identification still works with blocked requests, but with decreased accuracy. We have subdomain integration to fix this problem. To use it you need to make some configurations on your side. More info you can find in the documentation.

To configure this integration you need to pass an additional option endpoint to FpjsProvider loadOptionsas in the example below:

    loadOptions = {{
      apiKey: 'your-fpjs-public-api-key',
      endpoint: ''
    <App />

But according using integration with NextJS, we have the problem with exceptions on the server-side, that we fixed in #23.

working, thank you

Valve commented

@JonhnyDev if the proposed solution has worked for you, please consider closing this issue. Thanks