
Custom background color since 1.8

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Since version 1.8 the customIsOffSpdColor setting has no effect anymore.

Version 1.8 and 1.9:

Version 1.7:

Using the following card settings:

              - entity: fan.dyson_pure_cooltm
                name: Dyson
                type: 'custom:fan-control-entity-row'
                sendStateWithSpeed: true
                customTheme: true
                customIsOffColor: var(--primary-color)
                customIsOffSpdColor: var(--secondary-background-color)
                customIsOnHiColor: var(--primary-color)
                customIsOnLowColor: var(--primary-color)
                customIsOnMedColor: var(--primary-color)
                state_color: true

Right that was a breaking change.

Please see the new updated readme for the new config option.

specifically it is now called "buttonInactiveColor".

The other custom color config options have changed as well. I wanted to make all of my custom plugins be consistent so I changed some of the config options.

Sorry about that.