
Button background not changed if entity is group

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for the great plugin!
If I want to control the light group it seems that button background is not changed correctly. Consider this setup.

type: entities
title: Valot
show_header_toggle: false
  - entity: group.olohuone
    type: 'custom:light-brightness-preset-row'
    name: Olohuone
    customTheme: true
    customSetpoints: true
    LowBrightness: 30
    MedBrightness: 125
    HiBrightness: 255
    IsOnLowColor: '#ffffe6'
    IsOnMedColor: '#ffff99'
    IsOnHiColor: '#ffff00'
    ButtonInactiveColor: '#f2f2f2'
    IsOffColor: '#ffcccc'
  - entity: light.oh_kruunu
    type: 'custom:light-brightness-preset-row'
    name: Kruunu
    customTheme: true
    customSetpoints: true
    LowBrightness: 30
    MedBrightness: 125
    HiBrightness: 255
    IsOnLowColor: '#ffffe6'
    IsOnMedColor: '#ffff99'
    IsOnHiColor: '#ffff00'
    ButtonInactiveColor: '#f2f2f2'
    IsOffColor: '#ffcccc'

Entity light.oh_kruunu is part of the group group.olohuone
So in the screenshot I have clicked the Olohuone > HIGH and the Kruunu > HIGH has the correct yellow background but the Olohuone group is all grayed out.


I don't use light groups so I'm not sure how the attributes are handled by the integration.

What is the brightness attribute of the group when you switch the brightness of just one bulb?

Does the group control color work when you change the brightness of the group as a whole from the group control?


I've just tested the ability to do what you want with a "light group" in HA.

Check the integration page for it and it should work with multiple lights in the group and set them all to the same brightness level.