Why Portal? It's suitable for a service that is in charge of the Admin Section and Restful API

1. Open the terminal inside the project's directory then run composer install && yarn install to install dependencies

2. Duplicate .env.example and name the copy with .env

3. Generate the encrypted key for Laravel php artisan generate:key

4. Create a symlink for our storage with php artisan storage:link

5. Then run yarn dev in the terminal to start developing with Artisan and Vite on port 8000


  • Laravel
  • ReactJS
  • InertiaJS
  • Tailwind
  • Shadcn
  • Typescript

PHP Extension requirements

  • PHP MongoDB Driver

On Windows

Download required extension from PECL's website and copy its dll file into your PHP extension directory

On Linux ( Ubuntu or Debian )

Install with apt or pecl