1.0 Tasks
finnjames opened this issue · 0 comments
finnjames commented
Zero Hour
- RC seems to expect a much more precise interval for some of its image processing (this may not be fixable on Threepio's end 🫠)
- Make sure DataQ has labeled channels
- It seems like the channels are just randomly active or inactive (it looks like there might be times where Threepio is reading channel 3 as a data channel by accident)
- Establish scan list; see here line 164?
- Update:
already handles this
- Why aren't scans ending at the correct time?
- Turns out I needed a way to get the calibrated sidereal time, not just the current sidereal time
- T minus label way off when using old (but accurate) RA calibration
- Okay what's up with this actually. It seems like lots of things break when RA cal is really old
- Add alerts to reset frequency
- Sweep number should update when it starts and not when it ends
- Strict queuing for alerts, and freeze observation state until alert dismissed
- Stop telescope first, then throw cal switches
- 2 degree buffer should only be on first alert, then regular range
- First survey alert not showing
- After last sweep there should be two asterisks, and every sweep should be completed before moving to calibration
- Sweep number
- Declinometer is wobbly af
- One extra data point at the top on frequency update
- Clear out all TODOs
- Sync refresh rate counter with rest of GUI
- Make testing mode work with
- Auto/manual control of dec
- UI refresh rates should not be synced up:
- 100Hz data read
- 60Hz stripchart
- 1Hz Voltage
- Switch to clock ticks on seconds not every second
- For data collection too? Nope
- Switch max/min dec in code (min should be default)
- Make message say "Calibration will begin in..."
- Extra two data points <- updating refresh speed is not precise
- Use the videos to plot out usage paths
- Where is stripchart being updated?
- Clear obs error on confirmation
- Why is every other beep failing?
- Check that dec cal can be increasing or decreasing, North or South
- Turn off celebration beeps
- Double check tab order in all layouts
- Add 2 degree buffer for Survey
- Alert to move telescope at maximum speed during survey (i.e. make sure that the user knows why the program is beeping when motor knob needs to be flipped)
- Alert to move to correct DEC immediately after observation is created
- Survey: 2deg below target DEC at the beginning of a survey
- For Scan and Spectrum: move to target DEC
- Does the observation even know what the current dec is?
- Observation window should ask for confirmation before accepting
- Alert for spectrum frequencies before calibration (both times)
- Give message between bg and obs data collection
- Beep every time status message changes
- Update messages according to old ones on original ERIRA DAQ
- Legacy mode should have legacy beep
- Make "T+" indicator switch to minutes and hours when long
- Make "..." say "!!!" in all messages
- Make sure observation beginning and end RA are calculated correctly
- What if it goes across midnight?
- Check that dec cal is monotonic before save—check after each new point, and exit if bad data
- Alert to set cal switches a little bit before calibration should start
- Add console
- Fix empty space in obs window for scan and spectrum
- Have confirmation on "next" click in dec cal
- Beep in countdown to observation start (incl. calibration) every 60s, then 10s, then 1s
- Add calibration switch to testing mode (adds a volt to the output)
- Remove base sine function of test function (?)
- Make declination test slider match rough declinometer vals
- Add floor and ceiling to test data (1, 1.1)
- Refuse DAR above 100
- Hide DAR for Survey (use 6 instead)
- Make legacy mode a distinct mode (i.e. toggleable)
- Remove legacy button
- Testing mode should expand the window
- Move console to left column
- Add degree sign to dec cal
- So, uh, Radio Cartographer doesn't seem to like the files... 👉👈
- Updating RA after starting causes GUI to freeze
- Calibration frequency value needs to be updated
- Why is there beeping after a spectrum is finished?
- Stripchart renders dashes on each data point
- Floating point error on voltage
- Declination calculation algorithm assumes data is strictly increasing or decreasing and gives bad results or crashes if it isn't
- Mysterious Windows error :(
- Reduce timing precision coefficient?
- Message says
Taking observation data...
once entering the observation window, even if calibration is not complete - Make sure T- indicator has proper 0s
- Why is Chewie not beeping?