
User guide: how to run your own on premise version

agitana opened this issue · 4 comments

User guide: how to run your own on premise version

Any progress on the how to instal/run guide to kick the tyres ? wondering what it would take to install Alloy Modelling Environment in AWS

Hey @knighan. Between Goldman and FINOS we hope to add documentation on how to launch your own instance of Alloy in the cloud, whether that's @aws, @GoogleCloudPlatform, @openshift, @Azure, @IBM-Cloud, etc, around or soon after the open sourcing of the code itself (tentatively scheduled for late September). As to specifics regarding a particular cloud provider, I think we're half-expecting one or a couple of the providers will create a "quick-launch"/one-click mechanism for Alloy, with associated documentation, but really that's up to them.

Moving this to post wave 1 to-do list. I do expect this will be a high priority item that the community will be interested in and looking for in the docs.

See the installation guide created by the Goldman Sachs Legend team at