
CDM Steering Working Group - May 14th, 2024

Closed this issue · 12 comments

CDM Steering Working Group Minutes

Meeting Host: David Shone, ISDA


May 14th, 2024 - 11am ET / 4pm BST

Untracked attendees

  • Fullname, Affiliation, (optional) GitHub username

Meeting notices

  • FINOS Project leads are responsible for observing the FINOS guidelines for running project meetings. Project maintainers can find additional resources in the FINOS Maintainers Cheatsheet.

  • All participants in FINOS project meetings are subject to the LF Antitrust Policy, the FINOS Community Code of Conduct and all other FINOS policies.

  • FINOS meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of FINOS and the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in, any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws. Please contact with any questions.

  • FINOS project meetings may be recorded for use solely by the FINOS team for administration purposes. In very limited instances, and with explicit approval, recordings may be made more widely available.



  • Meeting admin completed, previous minutes ratified
  • Reminder to all chairs to continue to submit roadmap updates to Eteri

Release governance update

  • @tomhealey-icma gave an update. Summary of the 5 discussion topics has been circulated. There has been some further commentary but Tom is looking to close out comments in next week. Tom is beginning to implement a solution for creating a draft PR

ART update

  • @Oblongs gave an update as per the material attached. It was highlighted that scope is beginning to creep and this Thursday's session would be used to re-baseline and confirm out of scope items. Additionally, @JBZ-Fragmos requested a mark to market vs the initial objectives of the group. @dshoneisda requested a catch up with @Oblongs prior to meeting as sponsor of the work, since he was not able to make the Thursday session

Code generator deprecation

  • @chrisisla explained that as part of the TAWG's work to move from CodeFresh to Github Actions, it had been noted that many of the existing code generators may not be being maintained, and the automated tests should focus on those that are. As such proposal is to survey community members, pointing them at an issue describing what is happening and checking with community members whether they use the generators. action: @chrisisla
  • @lolabeis suggested that maintainers also volunteer to back code generators of importance
  • @dshoneisda pointed out that members of the SWG should pass on the survey to those members of TAs or other users of CDM who may not yet have subscribed to the cdm lists.

Action Items

Zoom info

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Nick Moger / JPM

Brian Lynn / GEM for ISDA

david shone /isda

Chris Rayner / ISLA

Mike Lambert / Broadridge

Lyteck Lynhiavu / ISDA

Lionel Smith-Gordon / REGnosys

Daniel Ivanier / Fragmos Chain

Leo Labeis / REGnosys

Marc Gratacos / TradeHeader

Tom Healey/ICMA

Dan Schwartz/FT Advisory