
CDM Asset Refactor Task Force - June 20th, 2024

Closed this issue · 4 comments

CDM Asset Refactor Task Force Minutes

Meeting Host: Lionel Smith Gordon, Regnosys


June 20th, 2024 - 11 am ET / 4 pm BST

Untracked attendees

Meeting notices

  • FINOS Project leads are responsible for observing the FINOS guidelines for running project meetings. Project maintainers can find additional resources in the FINOS Maintainers Cheatsheet.

  • All participants in FINOS project meetings are subject to the LF Antitrust Policy, the FINOS Community Code of Conduct and all other FINOS policies.

  • FINOS meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of FINOS and the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in, any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws. Please contact with any questions.

  • FINOS project meetings may be recorded for use solely by the FINOS team for administration purposes. In very limited instances, and with explicit approval, recordings may be made more widely available.


  • Convene & roll call (5mins)
  • Display FINOS Antitrust Policy summary slide
  • Review Meeting Notices (see above)
  • Approve meeting minutes
  • Securities Financing Qualification
  • Review of first PR for refactoring.
  • Please take a look at the materials but also at this PR:
    • In Rosetta: open contribution Phase-1-Asset-Refactor
    • In GitHub: PR 2997.
      • Please make comments on the PR, via email or bring to Thursday’s meeting.
  • AOB, Q&A & Adjourn (5mins)


ARTForce 20Jun24.pptx


  1. Minutes:
    a. Minutes of 13 June approved.

  2. Product Qualification:
    a. Re-capped the issue with Product Qualification for Repo and Sec Lending.
    b. Presented proposed refactoring of AssetPayout using TransferableProduct.
    c. Need to get clarity on the preferred modelling for Repo, Buy Bank and Sec Lending trades.
    i. Action: Tom/Chris: validate materials and provide samples of trades.
    ii. Proposal shows different structures for the products: is this a viable differentiation.
    d. Tom reiterated that he believes that adding ContractDetails to the product is the only viable solution.
    i. Action: Tom to share contribution with his proposed design
    e. Tom also asserted that any solution should be consistent for all products and use taxonomy in the same way.

  3. FX Products & SettlementCommitment
    a. Discussion on the use of ForwardPayout for FX, is this changing?
    b. How should FX Forwards be modelled.
    c. Discussion on the concept of ‘product’ for FX trading.
    i. Action: Lionel to follow-up on ForwardPayout.

  4. Next development release
    a. Participants asked to review the proposal and revert with comments. Proposal is viewable
    i. In the Powerpoint deck
    ii. As an Open Contribution (Phase 1 ARTForce) in Rosetta
    iii. As a draft PR 2985 in GitHub.

  5. AOB / Next Steps
    a. Need to confirm a solution for issue 2581, whether or not it is included in the Task Force scope.
    i. Action: Lionel to revert.
    b. Seeking clarity on the promotion of the Choice and Deep Path functionality in Rune DSL into CDM Dev so that it can be used with the refactoring.
    i. Action: Dan & Chris to facilitate with TAWG.
    c. Development of Phase 2 and 3 will continue.

Zoom info

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 919 4739 8280
Passcode: 867245

dan schwartz/FT Advisory


Greg Mahoney / Broadridge

Lionel Smith-Gordon for REGnosys