
Packaging for conda-forge?

bollwyvl opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi folks! Congrats on the release!

I'd ❤️ to package this for conda-forge, and am noticing a few irregular things in the metadata/build:

  • ensure_python says (('2.7', '>=3.7')) but the trove classifiers claim 3.6
    • which is right? or is *.7 only required for the build?
  • the source tarballs doesn't include the js/lib
    • yeah, i know it says "source" on the tin, but i don't think it's generally expected that a pip install needs node (much less yarn) at install time, when error messages can get very buried
      • proposal: include the built js in the sdist

Happy to PR some of these things!

conda-forge builds are up!

No need to package lib as both notebook and lab extension are packaged. Any changes in this regard should be done on the ipywidgets extension cookiecutter. Same for ensure_python, but I will drop 3.6 in a PR.