
make it optional to merge row_headers with same data

skokenes opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature Request

Description of Problem:

When using row headers, sometimes I do not want the headers to be hierarchical. However, I still want to maintain the sticky positioning of the row header columns, which is why I would like to use them.

For example, I may want to see row headers like so:

Country City
USA Atlanta
Canada Ontario

Potential Solutions:

It would be nice if there was a setting for the rows to enable/disable the th merging based on shared values.

An alternative that I've considered is implementing these "row headers" as normal td elements within the table, but then I have to go through the exercise of trying to reimplement the sticky behavior. And I suspect there will be problems with making that work with the virtual scroll properly.

One userland workaround for this would be to add a zero-width space (U+200B) character on alternating rows, so that regular-table never tries to merge any two rows. Its kind of a pain to have to do this, but does work at least