
Should RegularTableElement be explicitly marked as `final`?

telamonian opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently it is possible for a 3rd party library to subclass RegularTableElement (the class backing our regular-table custom element), though it is a bit awkward:

import "regular-table";

customElements.whenDefined('regular-table').then(() => {
  const RegularTableElement = customElements.get('regular-table');

  class RegularFooElement extends RegularTableElement {

  customElements.define('regular-foo', RegularFooElement);

We should either:

  1. Make this way easier by export-ing RegularTableElement at the top level of the regular-table module. We should then also add a short guide to the docs about subclassing RegularTableElement and using it to create new custom elements (and also maybe some warnings about not calling new RegularTableElement directly).

  2. @texodus Are there good reasons why RegularTableElement should be treated as final (ie not subclass-able)? If so, we should explicitly and loudly declare RegularTableElement to be final in the docs (and also explain why), and possibly also mark it as such in the code. I know there's no standard way to mark code as final in js, but there seem to be at least a few workable methods.

I'm leaning towards 1. I've been playing around all day with subclassing and otherwise extending 'regular-table', and it seems to work pretty good. So far the only hiccup I've run into is that any styling with a selector for the 'regular-table' tag (such as most of the styling in material.less) won't apply to subclassed custom elements, since the tag is different.

I think I would need to understand much better what subclassing specifically achieves over composition, other than the ability to fiddle with the exact HTML that regular-table generates. Perspective (for example) uses composition and <slot> to embed regular-table in a more-complex widget, and even regular-table itself uses this approach to embed the inner <table>. As you note also, this approach does not make styling easier (I recommend you look at custom styles for this instead).