
Physical Flow People Involvement: Unable to display People Involvements

Closed this issue · 2 comments

TL41 commented


It doesn't look like we can display People Involvements on the Physical Flow page. We can add them via the UI, but they do not display.

We can work on a fix

We think this worked when we added the feature a few releases ago, but it does not look like it works anymore. I didn't do a full trace to see if it recently broke or maybe if there were issues from the start. Either way, it's not working at the moment

Waltz Version


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add a Person Involvement to a Physical Flow
    01 - physical flow

  2. Check the 'involvement' table to confirm the entry was added
    02 - db

  3. Try to add it again and you'll get a message that it may have already been added
    03 - add again to physical flow

  4. Refresh the page to view the entry, but it does not display; console shows an error
    04 - view physical flow error

Expected Result

You should be able to view the involvements that were added

Actual Result

Refresh the page to view the entry, but it does not display; console shows an error

"ServiceBroker::loadData - InvolvementViewService.findAllInvolvementsForEntityByDirection: Server Error - Generic Exception: Cannot determine table fields for entity kind:PHYSICAL_FLOW /"
"Possibly unhandled rejection: {"data":{"message":"Generic Exception: Cannot determine table fields for entity kind:PHYSICAL_FLOW

TL41 commented

The error message originates in waltz-data/src/main/java/org/finos/waltz/data/

So I think it's just a matter of adding a case for PHYSICAL_FLOW to make the table available, but it will take some dev work and testing

Thanks for the fix!