
HasGeek Job Board

Primary LanguagePython


Code for Hasjob, HasGeek's job board at https://hasjob.co/

You are welcome to contribute a patch or use this code to run your own job board under the terms of the BSD license, but please design your own UI. Don't copy ours. We will like you better if you contribute a patch.

This code runs on Python with the Flask microframework. You will need to install all the requirements listed in requirements.txt using easy_install or pip. Copy settings-sample.py to settings.py, edit as necessary, and finish configuration with:

$ python manage.py db create
$ python manage.py configure

To run the server in development mode:

$ python runserver.py

WSGI is recommended for production. For Apache: enable mod_wsgi and make a VirtualHost with:

WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/website.wsgi

For Nginx, run website.py under uWSGI and proxy to it:

location / {
    include uwsgi_params; # Include common uWSGI settings here
    uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /path/to/hasjob/git/repo/folder;
    uwsgi_param UWSGI_MODULE website;