
Error after login

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, after follow every steps and configure the package in my Laravel project I try to login and get this error:

Illuminate \ Session \ TokenMismatchException

Route::filter('csrf', function()
if (Session::token() != Input::get('_token'))
throw new Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException;

What I miss?

You problem is probably related to Session. By default, the CSRF is enabled on login controller. You can check first if the _token parameter is POST correctly. Which version of Laravel do you use ?

I'm using latest 4.0.3 tough installed using composer and yes token parameter is ok

You can check the content of Session::token() and Input::get('_token'). But i'm sure you have a problem with your session. You can take a look a your session configuration

My session file is fine, is just the default I didn't touch nothing there, also I can see this in stack trace:

_sf2_attributes Array ( [_token] => yZzrWXG8p6mZF5jt2kZVPgqJUlbKba3lhweimEmV )
_sf2_flashes Array ( )
_sf2_meta Array ( [u] => 1372897212 [c] => 1372897212 [l] => 7200 )

I don't what else to check