
SendMessage: character limit (clarification)

grehce opened this issue · 3 comments

Is the 10-character message limit for UI-only (not a constraint for Firebase Database uploads)?

_msglength = 10;

For example, would there be any challenges uploading .m4a data (5 minutes of speech) for real-time transcription?

The 10-char limit is for UI purposes only. RTDB doesn't impose a limit on the size of any particular leaf of your db tree, but we recommend against using RTDB for blob storage since there's no benefit to db hierarchy or snapshot observation for blobs.

Instead, you should use Firebase Storage or Google Cloud Storage and then generate a link to the file and store that link in RTDB.

Thanks @morganchen12! I did see in the next step saving image to Firebase Storage. How is Google Cloud Storage and Firebase Storage different or are they the same thing, just one is served to mobile SDK customers and the other for everything else?

They seem to be described similarly from this comparison table:

Firebase Storage is just a Firebase wrapper on Google Cloud Storage. You can use GCS to access filed uploaded via Firebase Storage and vice versa.