
"Could not enable access for testers. Check that the groups exist and the tester emails are formatted correctly." occurs in 0.3.0 version

yunseop-han opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Issue Description

It worked well in version 0.2.9.
The following error occurs when running app distribution today:
"Could not enable access for testers. Check that the groups exist and the tester emails are formatted correctly "

It appears to be a bug that occurs at 0.3.0.

lane :firebase_test do
    group = "QA"
      app: $ENV[:firebase][:app_id],
      release_notes: "change_log",
      firebase_cli_path: $ENV[:firebase][:cli_path],
      ipa_path: $ENV[:firebase][:ipa_path],
      debug: true,
      groups: group,
Complete verbose output
bundle exec fastlane firebase_test
[โœ”] ๐Ÿš€ 
|                                                          Used plugins                                                          |
| Plugin                                    | Version | Action                                                                   |
| fastlane-plugin-firebase_app_distribution | 0.3.0   | firebase_app_distribution_login, firebase_app_distribution_add_testers,  |
|                                           |         | firebase_app_distribution_get_udids, firebase_app_distribution,          |
|                                           |         | firebase_app_distribution_remove_testers                                 |

[17:25:50]: ------------------------------
[17:25:50]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[17:25:50]: ------------------------------
[17:25:50]: Driving the lane 'ios firebase_test' ๐Ÿš€
[17:25:50]: Using deprecated option: '--firebase_cli_path' (This plugin no longer uses the Firebase CLI)
[17:25:50]: ---------------------------------------
[17:25:50]: --- Step: firebase_app_distribution ---
[17:25:50]: ---------------------------------------
[17:25:50]: Authenticating with FIREBASE_TOKEN environment variable
[17:25:51]: ๐Ÿ” Authenticated successfully.
[17:25:51]: โŒ› Uploading the IPA.
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:51.039552 #66083] DEBUG -- request: POST
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:56.743926 #66083] DEBUG -- response: Status 200
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:56.744012 #66083] DEBUG -- response: {
  "name": "projects/123456789000/apps/1:123456789000:ios:12a12d58x8a52d22/releases/-/operations/01234567890000"

D, [2021-08-27T17:25:56.744325 #66083] DEBUG -- request: GET
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:58.077334 #66083] DEBUG -- response: Status 200
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:58.077413 #66083] DEBUG -- response: {
  "name": "projects/123456789000/apps/1:123456789000:ios:12a12d58x8a52d22/releases/-/operations/01234567890000",
  "done": true,
  "response": {
    "@type": "",
    "result": "RELEASE_UNMODIFIED",
    "release": {
      "name": "projects/123456789000/apps/1:123456789000:ios:12a12d58x8a52d22/releases/7rgm3bj83b8og",
      "releaseNotes": {
        "text": "change_log"
      "displayVersion": "2.33.20",
      "buildVersion": "23320.827.2",
      "createTime": "2021-08-27T08:06:20.517780Z"

[17:25:58]: โœ… The same IPA was found in release 2.33.20 (23320.827.2) with no changes, skipping.
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:58.078062 #66083] DEBUG -- request: PATCH
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:59.304522 #66083] DEBUG -- response: Status 200
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:59.304614 #66083] DEBUG -- response: {
  "name": "projects/123456789000/apps/1:123456789000:ios:12a12d58x8a52d22/releases/7rgm3bj83b8og",
  "releaseNotes": {
    "text": "change_log"
  "displayVersion": "2.33.20",
  "buildVersion": "23320.827.2",
  "createTime": "2021-08-27T08:06:20.517780Z"

[17:25:59]: โœ… Posted release notes.
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:59.305036 #66083] DEBUG -- request: POST
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:59.817488 #66083] DEBUG -- response: Status 404
D, [2021-08-27T17:25:59.817553 #66083] DEBUG -- response: {
  "error": {
    "code": 404,
    "message": "Requested entity was not found.",
    "status": "NOT_FOUND"

|             Lane Context             |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM | ios               |
| PLATFORM_NAME    | ios               |
| LANE_NAME        | ios firebase_test |
[17:25:59]: Could not enable access for testers. Check that the groups exist and the tester emails are formatted correctly 
Groups: ["QA"]

|                fastlane summary                |
| Step | Action                    | Time (in s) |
| 1    | default_platform          | 0           |
| ๐Ÿ’ฅ   | firebase_app_distribution | 9           |

[17:25:59]: fastlane finished with errors

[!] Could not enable access for testers. Check that the groups exist and the tester emails are formatted correctly 
Groups: ["QA"]

Library Version
fastlane fastlane 2.192.0
fastlane-plugin-firebase_app_distribution 0.3.0
rmncv commented

same issue. started with update to v0.3.0

same issue here, the error appears on v0.3.0 but works on 0.2.9, by forcing it in Pluginfile:
gem 'fastlane-plugin-firebase_app_distribution', '0.2.9'

Hey all, Anthony from the App Distribution team here. Appreciate the report. We're talking a look into these elevated client errors. Stick with v0.2.9 until we diagnose the root cause. Thank you for your patience!

Update: We found an issue in the backend with the new endpoint where the group alias is not being normalized/down-cased as it should.

If you're on 0.3.0 and run into this issue, you can downcase your group name (e.g. "qa" instead of "QA") in your configuration as a work-around to fix the issue. We're pushing out a backend fix so that you don't have to do that going forward. I'll update this issue once that fix is live, and we'll push a new version following that (0.3.1) for folks to grab.

Update: The fix is live, and plugin v0.3.1 is now available. Thanks again for your patience, and for raising this issue with us!