
Usage of legacy API

rodolfoamarques opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe your environment

  • Operating System version: all
  • Firebase SDK version: latest (12.2.0)
  • Firebase Product: FCM
  • Node.js version: all
  • NPM version: all

Describe the problem

the messaging().send() method continues to utilise the old API even though it has been deprecated since 2023 and removed since June 2024 as per this documentation

Steps to reproduce:

Calls/Usage of the above method results in a TOPIC_MESSAGE_RATE_EXCEEDED error.

Relevant Code:

in this very repository we can find the following code:

const FCM_SEND_HOST = '';
const FCM_SEND_PATH = '/fcm/send';
const FCM_TOPIC_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PATH = '/iid/v1:batchAdd';
const FCM_TOPIC_MANAGEMENT_REMOVE_PATH = '/iid/v1:batchRemove';

According to the latest documentation, the API to be used should be{PROJECT_ID}/messages:send

I found a few problems with this issue:

  • I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.
  • This issue does not seem to follow the issue template. Make sure you provide all the required information.

related: #2602

Thanks @devj3ns !

Hey folks, please see my response in #2602 (comment)

The deprecated endpoints mentioned in the issue are being used in sendToTopic and sendToCondition` APIs. These APIs are now deprecated in v12.4.0+