
AppCheck JwksFetcher ignores httpAgent / proxy setting

hermanho opened this issue ยท 6 comments

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[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your environment

  • Operating System version: mac 14.6.1
  • Firebase SDK version: 12.4.0
  • Firebase Product: appcheck (auth, database, storage, etc)
  • Node.js version: 20.11.1
  • NPM version: 10.5.0

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

Steps to reproduce:

Although httpAgent (http proxy setting) is one of the paramteres in the app option, the httpAgent setting does not apply in JwksFetcher so that it will raise an error when request the JWSK url behine proxy requried network.

Relevant Code:

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app';
import { HttpsProxyAgent } from 'https-proxy-agent';

const firebaseApp = initializeApp({
  httpAgent: new HttpsProxyAgent(process.env.HTTPS_PROXY)

constructor(private readonly app: App) {
this.signatureVerifier = PublicKeySignatureVerifier.withJwksUrl(JWKS_URL);

constructor(jwksUrl: string) {
if (!validator.isURL(jwksUrl)) {
throw new Error('The provided JWKS URL is not a valid URL.');
this.client = jwks({
jwksUri: jwksUrl,
cache: false, // disable jwks-rsa LRU cache as the keys are always cached for 6 hours.

In the lib jwks-rsa, it is support to pass requestAgent in the paramteres.

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

Thank you @hermanho for reporting this issue and for submitting a fix in #2689
We really appreciate your time!

Hello @hermanho ๐Ÿ‘‹ Do you know if this issue was a regression ? We have trouble upgrading from 12.1.1 to 12.4.0, I suspect proxy issues and your fix seems to be too spot on to be a coincidence :D

Hello @hermanho ๐Ÿ‘‹ Do you know if this issue was a regression ? We have trouble upgrading from 12.1.1 to 12.4.0, I suspect proxy issues and your fix seems to be too spot on to be a coincidence :D Thanks!

Hi @forty, I am new to AppCheck. I don't think it was working from day 1.

Thanks! I noticed in the meantime that your issue was raised after the release of the change on HTTP2, which I strongly suspect is the cause of the regression on our side though, so I'm still hopeful your change might help us :D

Thanks! I noticed in the meantime that your issue was raised after the release of the change on HTTP2, which I strongly suspect is the cause of the regression on our side though, so I'm still hopeful your change might help us :D

Hey @forty,
@hermanho is correct. I also don't think the App check issue is a regression.
HTTP/2 changes should only apply to FCM APIs. We plan to include this fix in today's release. If you are still having issues please open a new ticket. Thanks!