
[BUG] in sample: alert

fr-zhangduanfang opened this issue · 0 comments

Which sample has a bug?

In this demo the param (event) is a CrashlyticsEvent type, but actually it's a NewFatalIssuePayload type
it's shows the error when I use the const {id, title, subtitle, appVersion} =;

after I fix it to const {id, title, subtitle, appVersion} = event.payload.issue; it successed,
But there is another problem, how can I get the appId to confirm which app has encounter the crash.

IMO, the event data should like

  "id": "2133",
  "source": "iOS",
  "type": "crash",
  "appId": "32444",
  "data": {
    "creatTime": "2023/3/22 8:00:33",
    "endTime": "2023/3/22 8:00:33",
    "payload": {
      "issue": {
        "title": "there is a crash",
        "subTitle": "subtitle",
        "appVersion": "3.24"

but it was

  "data": {
    "creatTime": "2023/3/22 8:00:33",
    "endTime": "2023/3/22 8:00:33",
    "payload": {
      "issue": {
        "title": "there is a crash",
        "subTitle": "subtitle",
        "appVersion": "3.24"