
https_fn.HttpsError::message isn't really surfaced

elbee19 opened this issue · 0 comments

message=('The function must be called with one argument, "text",'

I'm testing a 2nd gen python firebase function defined that looks something like the following:

        cors_methods=["get", "post"],
def new_gift(req: https_fn.Request) -> https_fn.Response:"Request Headers:", dict(req.headers))

    if req.authorization is None:
        # Throwing an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
        raise https_fn.HttpsError(
            message="This never shows up anywhere!"

During my local testing (over the emulator) the 'message' string isn't really surfaced anywhere - neither to the client when the call to the function is made, nor over the local emulator logs (I'm not sure if the behavior differs over the cloud deployment - yet to test that)

This can't be by design right? Cause what'd be the point of the message string in that case?