
Project is some update needs. (, AndroidMnifest.xml, google-services.json)

masteage opened this issue · 2 comments

Please fill in the following fields:

  • macOS Catalina : 10.15.6
  • Android Studio : v4.0.1
  • Firebase C++ SDK version : v6.15.1
  • Firebase plugins in use : admob
  • Platform you are targeting Android (Simulator)

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Please answer the following, if applicable:

  • Have you been able to reproduce this issue with just the Firebase C++ quickstarts (this GitHub project)?

    • -> YES
  • What's the issue repro rate? (eg 100%, 1/5 etc)

    • -> 100%

Hi @masteage

Thank you for the suggestions.

I think the AndroidX/Jetifier change in make sense. However, all of the others are documented in readme.

I think you still need to follow instructions from readme for the sample Admob App Id and mock google-services.json anyway. Is there a particular reason you think those change are necessary?


BTW, currently we do not accept pull request in this repo.