Error in nixos
hmanhng opened this issue · 6 comments
run bwm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/nix/store/rypx9lnj1cfk06pqq6pzrzlpk0m12wfg-bitwarden-menu/bin/.bwm-wrapped", line 6, in <module>
from bwm.__main__ import main
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bwm.__main__'
How did you install bitwarden-menu? NixOS, pipx?
If you installed using NixOS, are you using stable 23.11 or unstable?
How did you install bitwarden-menu? NixOS, pipx?
If you installed using NixOS, are you using stable 23.11 or unstable?
i using flake from url your git.
bitwarden-menu = {
url = "github:firecat53/bitwarden-menu";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
my config.ini
dmenu_command = rofi -dmenu
# # Note that dmenu_command can contain arguments as well like:
# # `dmenu_command = rofi -dmenu -theme keepmenu -password`
# # `dmenu_command = rofi -dmenu -width 30 -password -i`
# # `dmenu_command = dmenu -i -l 25 -b -nb #222222 -nf #222222`
# pinentry = Pinentry command
# # Uses the -password flag for Rofi. For dmenu, sets -nb and -nf to the same color.
# obscure = True
# obscure_color = #222222
server_1 = *** (my server)
email_1 = *** (my mail)
password_1 = *** (my pass)
# password_cmd_1 = <command to generate vault password>
# twofactor_1 = <0 for totp, 1 for email or 3 for yubikey>
# twofactor_1 =
# server_2 = <url>
# email_2 = <login email>
# etc....
session_timeout_min = 30
## Set 'gui_editor' for: emacs, gvim, leafpad
## Set 'editor' for terminal editors: vim, emacs -nw, nano
## Set 'terminal' if using a terminal editor
# editor = <path/to/terminal editor> 'vim' by default
editor = nvim
# terminal = <xterm, urxvt> <options if necessary>. 'xterm' by default
terminal = kitty
# gui_editor = <path/to/editor> <options> e.g. gui_editor = gvim -f
gui_editor = emacs
# type_library = pynput (default), xdotool (for alternate keyboard layout support), ydotool or wtype (for Wayland)
type_library = ydotool
# hide_folders = Recycle Bin <Note formatting for adding multiple folders>
# Group 2
# Group 3
## Set the default autotype sequence (
autotype_default = {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}
## Set custom groups of characters for password generation. Any name is fine and
## these can be used to create new groups of presets in password_char_presets. If
## you reuse 'upper', 'lower', 'digits', or 'punctuation', those will
## replace the default values.
## Defaults:
# lower = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
# digits = 0123456789
## NOTE: remember that % needs to be escaped with another % sign
# punctuation = !"#$%%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
# punc min = !?#*@-+$%%
# upper = ABCDEFZ
## Set character preset groups for password generation. For multiple sets use a space in between
## If you set any custom presets here, the default sets will not be displayed unless uncommented below:
## Valid values are: upper lower digits punctuation
## Also valid are any custom sets defined in [password_chars]
## Defaults:
# Letters+Digits+Punctuation = upper lower digits punctuation
# Letters+Digits = upper lower digits
# Letters = upper lower
# Digits = digits
## Custom Examples:
# Minimal Punc = upper lower digits "punc min"
# Router Site = upper digits
I'm not able to reproduce this. I was able to add my flake like this (edited for brevity...I can post full config if it's not clear):
inputs = {
bwm.url = "github:firecat53/bitwarden-menu";
bwm.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs@{
}: let
inherit (self) outputs;
system = "x86_64-linux";
in {
nixosConfigurations = {
laptop = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
specialArgs = {
inherit inputs outputs;
modules = [
# Home-manager configuration
home-manager = {
extraSpecialArgs = {
inherit inputs outputs pkgs ;
home.packages = with pkgs; [
It also worked adding the same package definition line to environment.systemPackages
instead of home-manager.
Similar configuration to me. but it doesn't work
Check that you don't have any residual configuration left from old pip installs in ~/.local/share and ~/.local/bin, and that you're not installing the version from nixpkgs which I think has some issues and hasn't been updated yet.
Closing. If you any additional information please reopen. Thanks!