
Select multiple URLs and subsequently open them at once

honzajde opened this issue · 5 comments

I want to:

  1. select multiple URLs
  2. open them in the browser

As I can read in the README

allows you to choose one or more URLs to send to your Web browser

I can probably make that work. I'm thinking about something like:

  • a to add a link to the queue
  • A to open all links in the queue
  • If any links are in the queue, add a small counter in the header, for example (3)

I am using it as:
getclip | urlscan -n | rofi -dmenu -multi-select | xargs -n 99 google-chrome --new-window

So maybe two points to consider:

  1. rofi default for multi select is SHIFT+ENTER - I have to say I am not a fan of it:) It is in a broader context as well...
  2. Very convenient is to also open in new window, so one more shortcut, maybe W or SHIFT+W

getclip | urlscan -n | rofi -dmenu -multi-select | xargs -n 99 google-chrome --new-window

I can't for the life of me get this to work! It just opens up the browser
without opening any URLs. Tried with chrome, firefox and qutebrowser from the
Alacritty terminal.

Are you wanting to pipe getclip to urlscan and then select multiple entries from
the urlscan TUI? Because it actually seems like you've got a good system already :)

  1. rofi default for multi select is SHIFT+ENTER

I would definitely have to use a different key because in the urwid world, I
don't think I can differentiate between ENTER and SHIFT+ENTER

  1. Very convenient is to also open in new window

This should be doable, although not all browsers work with this webbrowser
module feature.

It just opens up the browser

getclip is just my utility that just prints clipboard

Because it actually seems like you've got a good system already :)

Nevertheless, I want to use mutt and other software that uses urlscan without having to resort to other tools.

I don't think I can differentiate between ENTER and SHIFT+ENTER

whatever works

not all browsers work with this webbrowser module feature

This might need some more thought... I am not so familiar with XDG world and I doubt there is generic form of saying 'open in new window'...

I added the URL "queue" so you can select multiple URLs (a to add and d to
delete), then open all with o (new tabs) or O (new windows). The new windows
option doesn't work with qutebrowser (just get new tabs) but does with Firefox.

Try out the multi-select branch and let me know if that works for you. Thanks!