
Add Support for Linux

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Apparently callExtension support will be added to Linux servers in the future. Once this is implemented, it would be great to try to compile it via Mono.

Please keep this issue updated, would love to finally get an A3 server up on my Linux box.

Yep. First we need support upstream in Arma2NET.

Currently checking to see if the dependencies of MySQL and SQLite will work under Linux. Conditional checks could be used in the .csproj to load in different configurations of referenced dependencies. This way there would still be a single project solution but it could be loaded on both operating systems.

Ran into this bug when swapping out for the Mono SQLite DLL.

The current stable version of Mono, 3.2.3, seems to have this issue.

Was able to manually download a source archive of Mono 3.4 and then build it on Linux. Then, copied over the resulting DLL file to Windows. Downloading the sqlite3.dll as well made it work on Windows. Currently testing/troubleshooting Linux.

Any update?

No, haven't had a chance to work on it yet.