
Work this stuff in at some point ...

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Data Manipulation and Searching

The core API is tiny and the intention is to delegate DML (Data Manipulation Language) to pure javascript, RxJS, and if more super powers are needed use something like Sift.

For example a snapshot of all entities can be retrieved via store.selectAll() and this array could then be processed by Sift. Sift or lodash could also complement real time capabilities provided by RxJS when used in a live stream context.

For very large data sets, more advanced filtering, and persistance save tables to Indexeddb via Dexie. We will be producing tutorials on how to do this soon, but here's the first installment:

As can be seen it is very easy to save and retrieve entities with DexieJS and no directly coupling to the Slice state manager is necessary. For more Typescript one to many exmaples se the DexieJS Typescript documentation: