
Bundle Product error when Sitewards B2B installed

thomasklosinsky opened this issue · 6 comments

In newer versions of Extension Sitewards B2B there is no class Sitewards_B2BProfessional_Block_Price anymore
so result is:
Fatal error: Class 'Sitewards_B2BProfessional_Block_Price' not found in /var/www/app/code/community/FireGento/GermanSetup/Block/Bundle/Catalog/Product/Price/Abstract.php on line 40

Any fix already?


Wow, I didn't even know, there is such a switch. If you need a quick fix, just remove everything from this file and add instead:

abstract class FireGento_GermanSetup_Block_Bundle_Catalog_Product_Price_Abstract
    extends Mage_Bundle_Block_Catalog_Product_Price


Tried that (also before posting here), but running into this error instead:

Fatal error: Class 'FireGento_GermanSetup_Block_Bundle_Catalog_Product_Price_Abstract' not found in /var/www/app/code/community/FireGento/GermanSetup/Block/Bundle/Catalog/Product/Price.php on line 37


sorry, copied the class name from MageSetup. Updated the post. should be:

abstract class FireGento_GermanSetup_Block_Bundle_Catalog_Product_Price_Abstract
    extends Mage_Bundle_Block_Catalog_Product_Price


Ah, just changed

abstract class FireGento_MageSetup_Block_Bundle_Catalog_Product_Price_Abstract
extends Mage_Bundle_Block_Catalog_Product_Price



abstract class FireGento_GermanSetup_Block_Bundle_Catalog_Product_Price_Abstract
extends Mage_Bundle_Block_Catalog_Product_Price


and it works well

This problem is not solved, it is just a quick fix :-)

Yes, but this will not be fixed in GermanSetup since GermanSetup is not maintained any longer. It will hopefully be fixed in MageSetup. An appropriate issue exists: firegento/firegento-magesetup#41