
Error CL_INVALID_VALUE when calling clCreateContext with ROCM

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'm using ROCM (Radeon Open Compute) 2.6.0 with Linux 5.3.0-rc4.

# /usr/bin/xmr-stak --cpu /etc/xmr-stak/cpu.config --amd /etc/xmr-stak/amd.config --nvidia /etc/xmr-stak/nvidia.config -c /etc/xmr-stak/main.config -C /etc/xmr-stak/pools.txt 
xmr-stak 2.10.7 bb189ad

Brought to you by fireice_uk and psychocrypt under GPLv3.
Based on CPU mining code by wolf9466 (heavily optimized by fireice_uk).
Based on OpenCL mining code by wolf9466.

Configurable dev donation level is set to 0.0%

You can use following keys to display reports:
'h' - hashrate
'r' - results
'c' - connection
Upcoming xmr-stak-gui is sponsored by:
   #####   ______               ____
 ##     ## | ___ \             /  _ \
#    _    #| |_/ /_   _   ___  | / \/ _   _  _ _  _ _  ___  _ __    ___  _   _
#   |_|   #|    /| | | | / _ \ | |   | | | || '_|| '_|/ _ \| '_ \  / __|| | | |
#         #| |\ \| |_| || (_) || \_/\| |_| || |  | | |  __/| | | || (__ | |_| |
 ##     ## \_| \_|\__, | \___/ \____/ \__,_||_|  |_|  \___||_| |_| \___| \__, |
   #####           __/ |                                                  __/ |
                  |___/                       |___/

This currency is a way for us to implement the ideas that we were unable to in
Monero. See for details.
[2019-08-14 22:36:03] : Mining coin: cryptonight
[2019-08-14 22:36:03] : Compiling code and initializing GPUs. This will take a while...
[2019-08-14 22:36:03] : Error CL_INVALID_VALUE when calling clCreateContext.
[2019-08-14 22:36:03] : WARNING: AMD device not found
[2019-08-14 22:36:03] : WARNING: backend AMD (OpenCL) disabled.
[2019-08-14 22:36:03] : Thread 0 has invalid config.

I'm quite confused... I'm really not sure what's wrong. Thank you in advance for your help!


Oops, reported at the wrong repository, sorry!