
Load z for soot vis not avaiable

Closed this issue · 5 comments

To whom it may concern,

Typically when I have multiple z slices I can load them all by going to the bottom of the list of available z slices "load z," but that option does not appear in the list anymore. Is there a reason or a workaround using a simple ssf command?

Check this issue and see if it answers your questions:


what version of smokeview are you using? I took this option out awhile ago but then added it back. if this feature is not present for you in smokeview posted here then upload your input file, I'll take a look

version 6.7.21
I can't upload the input file, sensitive

use the latest "official" version of smokeview (version 6.9.3 ) located here

if this doesn't work create an input file that is not sensitive and demonstrates the problems

If this is still not working for you reopen the issue and upload an input file that duplicates the problem