
a test project that integrates geo-location coordinates sharing into the Wikipedia iOS app

Primary LanguageSwift


GeoWiki is an demo project designed to incorporate geo-location coordinate sharing into the official Wikipedia iOS app.

The objective of this demonstration project was to enhance the existing Wikipedia app so that it can process coordinates in a places deeplink. When the Wikipedia app receives this deeplink, it should default to the 'Places' tab instead of the initial one, and display a specific location rather than the user's location. In my implementation, it also retrieves Wikipedia articles within the visible map area.

The second component of this project is a small testing application. This application fetches a list of locations from the backend and presents them to the user. Tapping on a location initiates a new places deeplink to Wikipedia, complete with coordinates, illustrating how these Wikipedia updates function. Additionally, an extra map screen has been added to allow users to select a location on the map and continue with its coordinates to the Wikipedia app using the new deeplink.

This project was built using Combine along with modern concurrency APIs such as actors and async/await.

Demo video
