
Update jit-grunt dependency

martiell opened this issue · 3 comments

Please update the version of jit-grunt specified in the package.json.

The current version listed in package.json is ~0.9.1 and the latest version is 0.10.0.

jit-grunt 0.9.1 specifies grunt ~0.4.0 as a peerDependency:

"peerDependencies": {
  "grunt": "~0.4.0"

This has been fixed to allow use of grunt 1.0.x in jit-grunt 0.10.0:


It seems possible to install grunt 1.0.1 alongside load-grunt-config 0.19.1, but npm shrinkwrap fails complaining about jit-grunt's peerDependencies.


Hi guys, I will publish new version soon.

Hi guys, new version was published to npm