
No Tests Found on Windows 10 using VSCode 1.82.2 - Backslashes in file name

ScottSEA opened this issue · 2 comments

This stackoverflow post goes into greater detail, but the gist of it is when clicking the "run test" button on a file or test, the testPathPattern path has unwanted backslashes in the file name, e.g.

"--testPathPattern" "c:\\\\git\\\\appName\\\\src\\\\test\\\\util\\\\someFile\\.test\\.ts"

instead of

"--testPathPattern" "c:\\\\git\\\\appName\\\\src\\\\test\\\\util\\\\someFile.test.ts"

Windows Version: Win10 Pro v22H2
VSCode Version: 1.82.2
Jest Extension Version: v5.2.3

Hello, based on the version number, I think you are using a different extension (Orta.vscode-jest).

I would suggest raising an issue with vscode-jest

Oh, I see you already did jest-community/vscode-jest#1070 😄

I will close this one 👍