
Installing on a 64 bit ubuntu 14.0x is not straight forward

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It will be good to have detailed documentation of how to install on a 64 bit linux machine


The following apt-get installation got it through

sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev libtiff4-dev libwebp-dev
sudo apt-get install xcftools

That is actually good to know, thanks – I have not personally installed it on Ubuntu 14 so I appreciate the feedback.

Instakit was initially a pure-python module. It depends on implementations and interfaces from NumPy, SciPy, and Pillow (née PIL) for both the optimized image math and the file-format I/O that the project needs.

The first three dev packages in your list are Pillow’s requirements, specifically.

I am not sure why you needed xcftools as I don’t do anything with it. One of Instakit’s currently not-directly-used and optional utilities, instakit.utils.lutmap does import the imread module by default (specifically here)… imread (which can be had here) can optionally use xcftools but doesn’t require it.

Anyway, now that Instakit has an acceleration framework that can opportunistically use Cythonized codepaths for faster processing, it isn’t pure-python anymore, technically. You need Cython installed too, to use these optimizations – although everything still runs fine as pure-python; there’s only a little bit of cython in master ATM.

If you feel like posting more about your experience installing or using Instakit, please don’t hesitate; I’m happy to document whatever noteworthy issues come up.