
putting makecleanpkg in AUR

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Have you considered moving makecleanpkg into its own separate project and/or packaging it in AUR? I'd be happy to do it but you might be a better candidate if you're interested.

I do not plan doing so, for two main reasons:

  • If I had time to work on a project like makecleanpkg, I would rather contribute to makechrootpkg (and extra-x86_64-build ) in order to make it usable by an unprivileged user.
  • proot (which is used instead to replace systemd-nspawn in makecleanpkg) is in an uncomfortable state. The last release was 4 years ago (v5.1.0 on but the project is still quite active on This is due to proot-me/proot#106 blocking proot-me/proot#127. makecleanpkg includes a work-around (with export PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1) but this breaks some isolation properties.

If you want to package this script in the AUR, feel free to do so. The only request I have is to be credited with a link to (if you host this file elsewhere).

By the way, if you make improvements to the script and want to include them in this repository, I will gladly review any Pull Request.

Thanks for your interest.