

Closed this issue · 6 comments


New Map: Memphis

  • Great Sphinx: All Tier II or above buildings within 2 tiles get +N Consumption, Production Multiplier. N = Number of its adjacent buildings of the same type
  • Abu Simbel: Double the effect of Ramesses II. All Adjacent wonders get +1 Happiness
  • Nile River: Double the effect of Hatshepsut. All wheat farms get +1 Production and Storage Multiplier. All adjacent wheat farms get +5 Production and Storage Multiplier
  • Mount Sinai: When discovered, a great person of the current age is born. All buildings that produce faith get +5 Storage Multiplier


  • Statistics Office (Censor's Office) generates 1 explorer every minute which can be used to reveal an unexplored tile and its adjacent tiles
  • UI of Statistics Office (Censor's Office) has been redone. An "Empire" tab listing a detailed breakdown of empire value, science production has been added (Vethon)

New Great People

  • Johannes Kepler: +1 Production Multiplier, Storage Multiplier for Shrine, Lens Workshop (Renaissance)
  • Georgius Agricola: +1 Production Multiplier, Storage Multiplier for Siege Workshop, Coal Mine (Renaissance)
  • Galileo Galilei: +1 Science From Idle Workers (Renaissance)
  • J. P. Morgan: +1 Storage Multiplier, Production Multiplier for Bond Market, Rifle Factory (Industrial)
  • Andrew Carnegie: +1 Storage Multiplier, Production Multiplier for Bank, Steel Mill (Industrial)
  • Louis Sullivan: +3 Builder Capacity Multiplier (Industrial)
  • Isambard Kingdom Brunel: +1 Production Multiplier, Storage Multiplier for Frigate Builder, Concrete Plant (Industrial)
  • William Shakespeare now boosts Actor's Guild instead of Printing House


  • Pax Romana: Rebirth with at least 1 Extra Great Person in Rome (Reach 64M Empire Value when rebirth)
  • Olympian: Rebirth with at least 1 Extra Great Person in Athens (Reach 64M Empire Value when rebirth)
  • Bronze: Reach Bronze Age in any city (granted when you unlock any technology in that age)
  • Iron: Reach Iron Age in any city (granted when you unlock any technology in that age)
  • Classical: Reach Classical Age in any city (granted when you unlock any technology in that age)
  • Medieval: Reach Middle Age in any city (granted when you unlock any technology in that age)
  • Renaissance: Reach Renaissance in any city (granted when you unlock any technology in that age)
  • Industrial: Reach Industrial in any city (granted when you unlock any technology in that age)
  • Eye of Horus: Rebirth with at least 1 Extra Great Person in Memphis (Reach 64M Empire Value when rebirth)


  • Petra upgrade cost should not be affected by Zenobia
  • Fix broken UI when there are lots of caravansaries
  • Fix sometimes building input resources are turned off even before it is fulfilled
  • Market will not update when a new resource is unlocked
  • Statistics Building should not count Warehouse/Caranvasary


  • Rework building defaults: now building defaults will carry over when you rebirth and will be applied to your building once you unlock the relevant technology
  • Optimize player trade map performance
  • Allow changing the side panel width in Options -> Theme
  • Warehouse/Caravansary will list all your currently unlocked resources, this is to stop the list from jumping around
  • Upgrade x5 is now Upgrade to Next 5. And "Upgrade to Next 10" will always appear even if the next 5 and next 10 level are the same (and the shortcut will always work)
  • Petra's speed up will be set to 1x once Warp runs out. This is to prevent Petra from immediately running when logging into the game thus being able to upgrade its storage


  • Porter's Guild: manual transports
  • Make changing your name from random numbers a steam achievement

I'm probably annoying you with this topic and I apologize if so. Please ignore my suggestions at will 🤣. However, I am once again mentioning, as it is now extremely relevant, the extreme cost of late game wonders & buildings past lvl 25 or so. At that point, the only feasible way to level up a ton of buildings to 30 or so, or to build the wonders in renaissance+, has been using the markets.

I know you have slightly addressed this via changing the wonders to require more expensive resources, but I think they are still outpacing how fast a player can grow. Sure, 167M concrete is better than 985M brick (brandenburg)... but it's not THAT much better lol. It's still an absolutely absurd amount of concrete!

I think it's probably about 5-10 times more expensive than it should be (my gut opinion, haven't done too much math on it)

With the upcoming rebalance of markets, it will make it FAR more difficult to achieve the huge quantities of resources we would need, so I believe a change that should happen at the same time is a look into the wonder EV formula, and probably making it scale slightly more slowly with each tech lvl/era. I imagine reducing the base of the exponential formula is the trick here, and potentially adding a larger flat/linear/quadratic multiplier to compensate and keep the early wonders where they are.

E.g. changing 5 * 1.7 ^ x could go into 12x * 1.5 ^ x or something

(as an aside, let me know if github is a bad place to put comments regarding the new upcoming patch. Just am not sure if the #suggestions channel is good for that on Discord or not)

Lighthouse: By the time you can actually build the lighthouse, the 'exploration' part of it will be fairly useless, as it's much quicker to just hut-creep. Also, any automated Exploration would be wildly unpopular for players on the Rome map (re: Grotto Azzura)
It's a Lighthouse, have it affect the now-unlocked water trade. Slight reduction of penalty, or have it unlock water trade for anything 3 squares or under? That'll let players cross the North Sea/Mediterranean/Red Sea/Persian Gulf/Sea of Japan and other small areas of water connecting nearby islands/landmasses without unlocking Trans-Atlantic / Trans-Pacific trade immediately.

Shakespeare? Lenses? What? - just rename him to W. Snell or someone also relevant to the field of optics.

Printing House, if we don't want to use Guttenburg (probably more appropriate for book production as opposed paper itself), then I would also suggest F. Keller (and/or C. Fenerty) for their contributions to the manufacture/production of wood-based paper itself.

Lighthouse: By the time you can actually build the lighthouse, the 'exploration' part of it will be fairly useless, as it's much quicker to just hut-creep. Also, any automated Exploration would be wildly unpopular for players on the Rome map (re: Grotto Azzura) It's a Lighthouse, have it affect the now-unlocked water trade. Slight reduction of penalty, or have it unlock water trade for anything 3 squares or under? That'll let players cross the North Sea/Mediterranean/Red Sea/Persian Gulf/Sea of Japan and other small areas of water connecting nearby islands/landmasses without unlocking Trans-Atlantic / Trans-Pacific trade immediately.

Shakespeare? Lenses? What? - just rename him to W. Snell or someone also relevant to the field of optics.

Printing House, if we don't want to use Guttenburg (probably more appropriate for book production as opposed paper itself), then I would also suggest F. Keller (and/or C. Fenerty) for their contributions to the manufacture/production of wood-based paper itself.

This should probably be better posted on Discord so others can chime in. But Shakespeare's change is a bug fix. Currently printing house is double-boosted and Shakespeare needs to boost something else. Lens Workshop is the best for game balancing (but perhaps bad for theme). We need to strike a balance.

I'm probably annoying you with this topic and I apologize if so. Please ignore my suggestions at will 🤣. However, I am once again mentioning, as it is now extremely relevant, the extreme cost of late game wonders & buildings past lvl 25 or so. At that point, the only feasible way to level up a ton of buildings to 30 or so, or to build the wonders in renaissance+, has been using the markets.

I know you have slightly addressed this via changing the wonders to require more expensive resources, but I think they are still outpacing how fast a player can grow. Sure, 167M concrete is better than 985M brick (brandenburg)... but it's not THAT much better lol. It's still an absolutely absurd amount of concrete!

I think it's probably about 5-10 times more expensive than it should be (my gut opinion, haven't done too much math on it)

With the upcoming rebalance of markets, it will make it FAR more difficult to achieve the huge quantities of resources we would need, so I believe a change that should happen at the same time is a look into the wonder EV formula, and probably making it scale slightly more slowly with each tech lvl/era. I imagine reducing the base of the exponential formula is the trick here, and potentially adding a larger flat/linear/quadratic multiplier to compensate and keep the early wonders where they are.

E.g. changing 5 * 1.7 ^ x could go into 12x * 1.5 ^ x or something

(as an aside, let me know if github is a bad place to put comments regarding the new upcoming patch. Just am not sure if the #suggestions channel is good for that on Discord or not)

Will not touch balancing in this version, maybe the next one

I also agree that the build costs for the wonders is going to/is slowing players down. I like that having higher costs means that people have to use the caravan or market but I still think the costs are too high for the wonders.
