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World War Buildings

  • Biplane Factory: Engine x1 + Steel x1 + Lens x1 + Petrol x5 => Biplane x1
  • Plastics Factory: Oil x2 => Plastics x1
  • Gas Power Plant: Natural Gas x2 => Power x3
  • Uranium Mine: (Uranium Deposit) => Uranium x1
  • Movie Studio: Sports x5 + Lens x5 + Garment x5 => Movie x1
  • Car Factory: Engine x1 + Steel x1 + Furniture x1 + Cable x1 + Plastics x1 + Petrol x5 => Car x1
  • Artillery Factory: Gatling Gun x1 + Dynamite x1 + Aluminum x5 => Artillery x1
  • Uranium Enrichment Plant: Uranium x10 => Nuclear Fuel Rod x1
  • Radio Station: Magazine x5 + Newspaper x5 + Culture x5 => Radio x1
  • Rocket Factory: Engine x1 + Artillery x1 + Steel x5 + Cable x5 + Petrol x10 => Rocket x1
  • Battleship Builder: Ironclad x1 + Artillery x1 + Cable x5 + Steel x5 + Aluminum x5 => Battleship x1
  • Atomic Facility: Dynamite x10 + Uranium x10 => Atomic Bomb x1
  • Hydro Dam: (Water Deposit) => Water x1 + Power x2
  • Embassy: Law x5 + Politics x5 + Philosophy x5 => Diplomacy x1
  • Cable Factory: Copper x5 => Cable x1
  • Research Lab: Culture x2 + Philosophy x2 => Science x1920

World War Wonders

  • Hollywood: +5 Happiness. +1 Happiness for each well-stocked building that consumes or produces culture within 2 tile range
  • Manhattan Project: All uranium mines get +2 Production, Worker Capacity and Storage Multiplier. Uranium enrichment plants and atomic facilities get +1 Production Multiplier for each adjacent uranium mine that is built on top of a uranium deposit
  • Golden Gate Bridge: All power plants get +1 Production Multiplier. Provide power to all tiles within 2 tile range
  • Cristo Redentor: All buildings within 2 tile range are exempt from -1 Happiness
  • Sagrada Familia: All buildings within 2 tile range get +N Production, Worker Capacity and Storage Multipliers. N = max tier difference among adjacent buildings
  • United Nations: All Tier IV and V and VI buildings get +1 Production, Worker Capacity and Storage Multiplier. Participate in UN General Assembly and vote for an additional boost each week

World Wars Great People

  • Herodotus now boosts Paper Maker instead of Writer's Guild
  • Shakespeare now boosts Writers Guild instead of Paper Maker
  • John D. Rockefeller: Oil Well + Stock Exchange
  • Rudolf Diesel: Oil Refinery + Locomotive Factory
  • Pierre de Coubertin: Publishing House + Stadium
  • Charles Parsons: Coal Power Plant + Ironclad Builder
  • Richard Jordan Gatling: Gatling Gun Factory + Tank Factory
  • Joseph Pulitzer: Magazine Publisher + Pizzeria
  • Charles Martin Hall: Natural Gas Well + Aluminum Smelter


  • Buildings that produce science will continue to produce science even if its storage is full (if there's another output, the other output will not be produced)
  • Each level of permanent Great People provides 5 workers in your Home Building
  • The number of workers required for production has been changed to the sum of all resources consumed and produced after multipliers (except electrification). Resources that do not take storage (e.g. Science or Power) do not count
  • All buildings that produce science get ~2.5x more science output
  • Offline time should now be more reliable. Thanks to all players providing logs and reports, I have located the main reason why sometimes offline production is missing. This usually happens when the initial connection to the server is timed out (either due to a network hiccup or Steam authentication API timeout). Eventually, when the connection is established, the game has already been running for a while and the server will refuse to grant offline time due to the mismatch. I have added a special handling of this case. If this happens, the whole offline time will be converted to warp in Petra (because offline production is no longer possible). You will get an in-game notification about this.


  • Increase the empire value of deposits that are discovered in later ages. This will trickle down to all the downstream resources
  • Increase the empire value of resources that require more types of input to produce, see:
  • Streamline wonder building cost: most wonders should see a reduction in building cost, with more in later ages. This means if you upgrade from 0.4.x, your empire value might decrease due to this, see:
  • Publishing House: Philosophy x2 + Book x10 => Newspaper x1 + Science x400
  • Magazine Publisher: Sports x2 + Book x10 => Magazine x1 + Science x400
  • Parliament: Culture x2 + Philosophy x2 + Law x2 => Politics x1
  • Parthenon: Two great people of Classical Age are born and you get 4 choices for each. Musician's Guilds and Painter's Guilds get +1 Production, Worker Capacity and Storage Multiplier and are exempt from -1 Happiness
  • Taj Mahal: A great person of Classical Age and a great person of Middle Age are born. +5 Builder Capacity Multiplier when upgrading buildings over Level 20
  • Calendar (Iron Age), Physics (Middle Age), Steam Engine (Industrial) each provides +1 Storage Multiplier for all buildings
  • Geography (Middle Age) now provides +1 Production Multiplier for Library
  • Optics (Renaissance) now provides +1 Production Multiplier for School and Library
  • Capitalism (Industrial) now provides +1 Production Multiplier for School, Library and University
  • AtomicTheory (World Wars) now provides + 1 Production Multiplier for Library, School, University and Publishing House

Permanent Great People Carry Over Change for Tribune Upgrade (Level 1 -> 2)

  • Up to Level 3 for Bronze, Iron and Classical Age
  • Up to Level 2 for Middle Age, Renaissance and Industrial Age
  • Up to Level 1 for World Wars, Cold War and Information Age


  • World Wars


  • Redesigned building menu: allow sorting by tier or name and adding a tier filter
  • Add shortcut for end construction and cancel upgrade
  • Allow clearing building defaults

Can see you've changed Optics to be just a production(output) for LIbrary and School.

Is it worth looking at Geography as that have both an x10 input and output multiple for library.

Can see you've changed Optics to be just a production(output) for LIbrary and School.

Is it worth looking at Geography as that have both an x10 input and output multiple for library.

Thanks, I have changed to distribute the production multipliers across different eras