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New Great People

  • Archimedes: +1 Production and Storage Multiplier for Caravasanry and Warehouse (Classical)
  • Emperor Wu of Han: +2 Production and Storage Multiplier for Caravansary (Classical, only born in Beijing)
  • Marie Curie: +1 Production and Storage Multiplier for Cable Factory and Uranium Mine (World Wars)
  • Albert Einstein: +2 Production for Research Lab (World Wars)
  • Niels Bohr: +3 Science from All Workers if more than 50% of workers are busy
  • Alan Turing: +3 Science From Idle Workers

New Map: Beijing

  • Great Wall: All buildings within 1 tile range get +N Production, Worker Capacity and Storage Multiplier. N = the number of the different ages between the current age and the age where the building is first unlocked. When constructed next to Forbidden City, the range increases to 2 tile
  • Yellow Crane Tower: +1 choice when choosing great people. All buildings within 1 tile range get +1 Production, Worker Capacity and Storage Multiplier. When constructed next to Yangtze River, the range increases to 2 tile (Geography)
  • Porcelain Tower: +5 Happiness. When constructed, all your extra great people at rebirth will become available for this run (they are rolled following the same rule as permanent great people)
  • Mount Tai: All buildings that produce science get +1 Production Multiplier. Double the effect of Confucious (Great Person). When discovered, generate one-time science equivalent to the cost of the most expensive unlocked technology.
  • Yangtze River: All buildings that consume water get +1 Production, Worker Capacity and Storage Multiplier. Double the effect of Zheng He (Great Person). Each level of Permanent Empress Wu Zetian (Great Person) provides +1 Storage Multiplier to all buildings
  • Achievement: Mandate of Heaven - Rebirth with at least 1 Extra Great Person in Beijing (Reach 64M Empire Value when rebirth)

Wild Card Great Person

A new type of great person has been added - a wildcard great person does not provide any bonus but can be used to upgrade any permanent great person of the same era

  • Plato (Classical Age)
  • Saladin (Middle Age)
  • Michelangelo (Renaissance)
  • Thomas Edison (Industrial)
  • Amelia Earhart (World Wars)


  • Remake Oxford University: +10% science output for buildings that produce science. When completed, generate one-time science equivalent to the cost of the most expensive unlocked technology.
  • Rebirth in cities now have different minimum permanent great people level requirement. 0 for Rome, 5 for Athens, 10 for Memphis and 15 for Beijing
  • Pyramid of Giza now costs Stone (from Brick) for construction


  • Improve save file reliability: previously the game directly wrote to the save file. In case of power loss or crash, there's a slight chance the save file might be corrupted and manual recovery is needed. From this version, the game will write to a temporary file, and after the write operation succeeds, the game will copy the temporary file to overwrite the main save file. If power loss happens, you might lose a short progress but it should prevent save file corruption.
  • Add supporter badge for supporter pack owners
  • Support upgrading to Quaestor without antibot requirement (48h playtime) for supporter pack owners

Remake Oxford University: +10% science output for buildings that produce science. +1 free technology from the current age (cannot be used to unlock technology in the next age)

What if your next tech to unlock is from the next age?

Remake Oxford University: +10% science output for buildings that produce science. +1 free technology from the current age (cannot be used to unlock technology in the next age)

What if your next tech to unlock is from the next age?

I was thinking it gives a free tech credit which doesn't have to be used for the next tech (can be saved for later). And can be only used for tech within the same age.

However, this might be too complicated, so another alternative is to limit it to the next tech (has to be used immediately) but you can use it to unlock a new age