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Empire Religion

Religion I II III IV V
Christianity Unlock Church Church Production Multiplier +1Unlock St Peter's Basilica Church Production Multiplier +1, Knight Camp Production Multiplier +1 Church Production Multiplier +1, Knight Camp Production Multiplier +1, Bank Production Multiplier +1 Church Production Multiplier +1, Knight Camp Production Multiplier +1, Bank Production Multiplier +1,+2 Builder Capacity Multiplier
Islam Unlock Mosque Mosque Production Multiplier +1, Unlock Prophet's Mosque Mosque Production Multiplier +1, Caravel Builder Production Multiplier +1 Mosque Production Multiplier +1, Caravel Builder Production Multiplier +1, Museum Production Multiplier +1 Mosque Production Multiplier +1, Caravel Builder Production Multiplier +1, Museum Production Multiplier +1,+1 Free Industrial Tech
Buddhism Unlock Pagoda Pagoda Production Multiplier +1, Unlock Great Dagon Pagoda Pagoda Production Multiplier +1, Coint Mint Production Multiplier +1 Pagoda Production Multiplier +1, Coint Mint Production Multiplier +1, Gunpowder Mill Production Multiplier +1 Pagoda Production Multiplier +1, Coint Mint Production Multiplier +1, Gunpowder Mill Production Multiplier +1,+10 Happiness
Polytheism Shrine Production Multiplier +1 Shrine Production Multiplier +1, Unlock Pantheon Shrine Production Multiplier +1,School Production Multiplier +1 Shrine Production Multiplier +1, School Production Multiplier +1, Printing House Production Multplier +1 Shrine Production Multiplier +1, School Production Multiplier +1, Printing House Production Multplier +1,+2 Science Per Busy Worker

Changes due to Religion

  • Luxor Temple now unlocks Religion (still provides +1 Science per busy worker)
  • St Peter's Basilica: All churches get +5 Storage Multiplier. Generate science based on faith production of all churches
  • Prophet's Mosque: Double the effect of Harun al-Rashid. Generate science based on faith production of all mosques
  • Great Dagon Pagoda: All pagodas are exempt from -1 happiness. Generate science based on faith production of all pagodas
  • Pantheon: All buildings within 2 tile range get +1 Worker Capaicity and Storage Multiplier. Generate science based on faith production of all shrines
  • Church: Music x1 + Poem x1 => Faith x3
  • Mosque: Cheese x1 + Opera x1 => Faith x4
  • Pagoda: Painting x1 + Furniture x1 => Faith x3
  • Cathedral no longer exists and will be removed from the map
  • Martin Luther: +1 Production Multiplier, Storage Multiplier for Church, School
  • Xuanzang: +1 Production Multiplier for Library, Pagoda
  • EV (Empire Value) of Faith has changed. The output of School and Research Lab are adjusted accordingly


  • Manhattan Project requires Nuclear Fuel Rod instead of Uranium
  • Skyscraper provides +1 Production Multiplier for Research Fund (New York)
  • Hagia Sophia no longer consumes Faith and provides +5 Happiness instead. It also provides extra happiness to avoid production halt during the game bootstrap



  • Allow picking multiple permanent Great People when rebirth. You have to choose the pick per roll before rebirth. The max pick per roll is floor(GP Amount / Total Available GP). Currently there are 92 great people
  • Allow unlocking a tech and its prerequisites with a single click, provided there's enough science
  • Allow adjusting scroll sensitivity in Options -> Theme
  • Support batch applying resource import settings for Warehouse and Caravansary
  • Add a new tutorial page listing common pitfalls to avoid
  • Add "Run Out" timer in deficit resources popover in resource bar