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New Map: Babylon

Unique Wonders

  • Ziggurat of Ur: Every 10 happiness (capped) provides +1 Production Multiplier to all buildings (max = number of unlocked ages / 2). Wonders (incl. Natural) no longer provide +1 Happiness. The effect can be turned off.
  • Tower of Babel: Provides +2 Production Multiplier to all buildings that has at least one working building located adjacent to the wonder
  • Wall of Babylon: All buildings get +N Storage Multiplier. N = number of unlocked ages / 2

Natural Wonders

  • Zagros Mountains: All adjacent buildings that have less than 5 Production Multiplier get +2 Production Multiplier. Double the effect of Nebuchadnezzar II (Great Person)
  • Euphrates River: Every 10% of busy workers that in production (not transporting) provides +1 Production Multiplier to all buildings (max = number of unlocked ages / 2). When the Hanging Garden is built next to it, the Hanging Garden gets +1 effect for each age after the Hanging Garden is unlocked. When discovered, spawn water on all adjacent tiles that do not have deposits

Other Changes

  • Hagia Sophia now shows the name of 3 random supporter pack owners
  • Show Extra GP in Resource Panel