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Information Age


  • Steam Achievement: Information
  • Steam Achievement: Future

Great People

  • Tim Berners-Lee: InternetServiceProvider, OpticalFiberPlant
  • Gordon Moore: ComputerFactory, SupercomputerLab
  • Dennis Ritchie: SoftwareCompany, MaglevFactory
  • Hyman G. Rickover: AircraftCarrierYard, NuclearSubmarineYard
  • Harry Markowitz: MutualFund, HedgeFund
  • John Carmack: CivOasis, ComputerLab
  • Satoshi Nakamoto: BitcoinMiner, CivTok
  • Carl Sagan: SpaceCenter, Peacekeeper
  • John McCarthy: CivGPT, RobocarFactory


  • International Space Station: All buildings get +5 Storage Multiplier. This wonder can be upgraded and each additional upgrade provides +1 Storage Multiplier to all buildings
  • Marina Bay Sands: All buildings get +5 Worker Capacity Multiplier. This wonder can be upgraded and each additional upgrade provides +1 Worker Capacity Multiplier to all buildings
  • Palm Jumeirah: +10 Builder Capacity. This wonder can be upgraded and each additional upgrade provides +2 Builder Capacity
  • Alderson Disk: +25 Happiness. This wonder can be upgraded and each additional upgrade provides +5 Happiness
  • Dyson Sphere: All buildings get +5 Production Multiplier. This wonder can be upgraded and each additional upgrade provides +1 Production Multiplier to all buildings
  • Matrioshka Brain: allow Science to be counted when calculating empire value (5 Science = 1 Empire Value). +5 Science Per Busy and Idle Worker. This wonder can be upgraded and each additional upgrade provides +1 Science Per Busy and Idle Worker

Other Changes

  • When you select a building, the game will now draw lines from incoming and outgoing transports (it only drew incoming transports before. This requires more calculation, thus can slow down a bit on older computers)
  • Improve the performance of Building tab in Statistics Office when there are lots of buildings
  • Remove Zenobia from the list of great people from Broadway (since it does not work anyway)
  • Reduce the threshold of multiple Great People per pick to 50
  • Improve the performance when selecting tech tree item
  • Improve the performance when showing/hiding the chat