

Closed this issue · 5 comments



  • Oxford University: Each building upgrade in your empire provides +5 Science per cycle (from +1 Science per cycle)
  • Fix incorrect wonder build time:
  • Construction and upgrade costs of Tier I, II and III buildings have been adjusted. They now require a small amount of materials other than their input for construction and upgrade


  • New Building: Concrete Plant: 1 Brick + 2 Sand + 1 Tool -> 1 Concrete (Steam Engine)
  • Gunpowder Mill's visual has been revamped

Great People

  • Zenobia: +1h Petra Warp Storage (Classical)

Wonder Building Cost Adjustment

  • Hagia Sophia: costs Knight instead of Brick
  • Angkor Wat: cost Marble instead of Stone
  • Oxford University: cost Philosophy instead of Marble
  • Saint Basil's Cathedral: cost Gunpowder and Lens instead of Faith and Gold
  • Forbidden City: cost Banknote and Marble instead of Paper and Poem
  • Himeji Castle: fix the cost of Galleon and Frigate (it was incorrect before)
  • Rijksmuseum: cost Newspaper, Culture and Concrete instead of Painting
  • Summer Palace: cost Gatling Gun instead of Brick
  • Neuschwanstein: cost Rifle, Bond and Cannon instead of Dynamite, Brick and Marble
  • Brandenburg Gate: cost Politics and Concrete instead of Brick and Marble

Market Rework

  • All markets will have the same trades, different markets still have different price fluctuations
  • Market trade amount will be based on the value of the buy and sell resources
  • Markets will have less price fluctuation, which will be based on the tier difference between the buy and sell resources Selling a low-tier resource and buying a high-tier resource will result in positive price fluctuation and vice versa
  • Market trades will update immediately after a new resource has been unlocked
  • Grand Bazaar: Manage all your markets. Adjacent caravansaries get +5 Production and Storage Multiplier. Adjacent markets get different trades

Warehouse Enhancement

  • Export Below Cap: allow other buildings to transport a resource from a warehouse even when its amount is below the cap
  • Export to the Same Type: allow other buildings of the same type to transport a resource from this building
  • Autopilot Setting: Require Storage < Cap - autopilot will only transport resources whose amount in storage is below the cap

Player Trade Rework

  • You can fill a trade from multiple caravansaries at once
  • Show tiles with active trades on the world map
  • Sea Trades (unlocked by Geography with 1% Tariff. Optics reduces tariff to 0.5%. Capitalism reduces tariff to 0.1%)
  • Production multipliers will now apply to Caravansary and Warehouse - it will increase the resource transport capacity


  • Streamline Construction/Upgrade Flow: You can adjust the building upgrade level when a building is being constructed. The building will be upgraded immediately after being constructed. Because of this change, the upgrade priority has been removed - both construction and upgrade will take construction priority instead.


  • Optimize performance when switching between game scenes (City View -> Tech Tree -> Trade World Map)

Can we add that you can claim part of a trade (if that's all that fits)? Kinda rough if someone fills a trade with a larger chunk than you can accept in a caravansery.

Example. You have a trade to claim of 5.4M brick. Your caravansery only has 2M storage. You hit "claim all" and it grabs 2M of the 5.4, leaving 3.4 still to claim.

Can we add that you can claim part of a trade (if that's all that fits)? Kinda rough if someone fills a trade with a larger chunk than you can accept in a caravansery.

Example. You have a trade to claim of 5.4M brick. Your caravansery only has 2M storage. You hit "claim all" and it grabs 2M of the 5.4, leaving 3.4 still to claim.

Not for 0.3.0. It's not trivial to add this. Can you log an entry in Discord suggestion channel?

Regarding Oxford +1sci/lvl -> +5sci/lvl

I think the issue is that it counts disabled buildings (which are "free" in terms of happiness via Hagia). So it's either too weak, or its strong enough that the meta strat is to spam lvl 20 buildings that are turned off, all over the map. This seems bad.

My proposal: Oxford is instead +10 (or something more than +5) sci, but ONLY counts buildings that have production slider set >=0%.

I am fully aware I'm completely uninformed on how this plays out, so take this with a grain of salt... But I'm pre-emptively worried about this market change (regarding 6+x trades). It is a nerf (which I think is necessary), but the simple solution is "just build more markets". So I'm not really sure what it accomplishes. Maybe it's simply because of grand bazaar making it easier to access them all and you end up with more than enough as-is? I have no idea how grand bazaar works so please ignore everything I'm saying if it's already addressed =D

It also is going to make it REALLY hard to find the stock->[item you want] trade or the [anything you have]->marble trade, or whatever it is we're looking for. Right now it stays in the same spot on the screen, but after this, it will be REALLY taxing to look through the trades. (though maybe the grand bazaar fixes this, so ignore me if that's solving the issue).

In reference to Krydax's comment about Markets. The way it's currently setup is quite useful for its intended purpose, which was to help smooth over the occasional kink in a supply chain by allowing 'material conversion' to temporarily boost availability of certain 'shortaged' resources at the cost of others (instead of making player build out entire productions that are only needed temporarily). With the renewed focus on EV (and GPs from EV), the market become an unintended resource 'upscaler' due to 'profitable' trades.

Many other games have similar resource conversion mechanics that can be utilized by players when needed, but carry a penalty in doing so, both because its instantaneous and allows the spamming of low cost resources to attain higher resources outside of the normal infrastructure developments. been giving it quite a bit of thought over the last few days ever since I saw this functionality was going to be updated. We can solve a bit of the 'EV upscaling' and 'mass markets' issue (whilst preserving current Market functionality) by making ALL trades carry a -EV% penalty. Currently it's a random range of +100% to -100%. We can reduce that range of variability by making it start at 0% (no +EV%) and go down to -50% at the bottom (maybe have the distribution fall mostly in the -30% range, with 0% itself (or very close to it) being one of the rarest 'decent deals' in a rotation. That way all trades are -%, forcing player to decide for certain how badly they 'need' specific resources and whether the tradeoff is worth it to 'trade down' for something 'right now' instead of producing it normally over time later.