
The audio of video is gone

mohsenzamani22 opened this issue · 2 comments

first of all thank you a lot for this library
you save my life
but two points
1 it takes 2 mins for compressing 2:30 high quality video witch is too long
how can i make the time faster
2 the audio is gone after compressing

I had a similar issue with the audio. In my case, it was related to the version of mp4parser:isoparser. With 1.0.6 it worked fine and newer version removed an audio channel.

there is an issue for me in my gradle there is function for that i'm using
implementation ('com.googlecode.mp4parser:isoparser:1.1.22') and as you telling me to use 1.0.6 if i use you recomended version there is chance that audio bug will solved but for now i can't because i need latest version for my video trim feature 1.1.22 so there is any way so can i use both version without duplication error of gradle