
dynamic droptargets, how?

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Hi, awesome angular module you've made. However, i'm struggling to see how i can use it together with ng-repeated dropzones. I have included an image so my case is clear: (any item in a 'periode' should be able to be dragged over to another 'periode'. The thing is, the 'periodes' are generated from ng-repeats. i cannot determine what the droptarget is because i need to dynamically retrieve the droptarget and i don't know how to pass this information to the onDrop function (since it cannot accept parameters...)

Could you help me with this? 👍

Will help you, could you pass me some html that you use and how yours is built up?

Like a fiddler or somthing and I can just copy paste :)

this one should've solved it

Check out the new example page. Basically you now have an attribute called ng-model on drop.

Hey man thanks for the quick response. i'll see if i can write a quick fiddle but first i'll check the new example page, thanks!

hmm. I think you understand my problem but that i still don't know how to apply it :) the thing is, i also have > 1 years, so first i iterate over years then periods then courses.
I made a quick fiddle (it does not look like the screenshot but it's the same code, although i have my classes in the main app module and inject them but i needed to have them working for the fiddle.)

How can i make it so that i can drag and drop courses from different periods? from / to multiple years?

I also have a '$scope.moveToPeriod' drop function but i do not know what list is supposed to be (the periods or a single period which is the drop target)?

Thanks if you can take the time to look at it :)

[edit: argh i F-ed up the fiddle, moment... :<]

haha, was just about to write about the fiddle :P

updated! i added another year to illustrate what i mean :)
Also, the project i'm working on (to learn angular...) is located here: Generated an angular project with Yeoman and only added your drag-n-drop module with bower. should run out of the box, right (grunt serve).

Took your code and tweaked it some

One problem was you wrote
!list.indexOf(course) which will not equal true but will be false correct way would be
!~list.indexOf(course) which will be same as list.indexOf(course) === -1

And I changed

 <div class="col-md-2 periodContainer" ng-repeat="period in year.periods" drop="moveToPeriod" ng-model="year.periods">


 <div class="col-md-2 periodContainer" ng-repeat="period in year.periods" drop="moveToPeriod" ng-model="">

ng-model is changed

Ah, thanks for your help! Will check if i can get the same working here :)

No problem. Let me know if it works so I can close this issue :)

hmm. wth :D i downloaded the example, ran it locally, works like a charm. exactly like i want it!
However cannot get it to work with mine. Still searching what the issue is, haha. Javascript is telling me:
"TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'indexOf'" so it has to do with the last part, adding the course item to a $scope list :/

Also i changed the following because jshint is nagging about the tilde for some reason:

if(list.indexOf(course) === -1){

hmm somehow the contents of the angular-dnd.js file of your last commit and the version i have differ. i think my bower update command doesn't work somehow... i think that has to do with it.

Yep that was it :) thanks again! closed :) btw, grunt bower-install installs by default the minified version. so i manually copied over the latest changes, now to figure out why bower update does not work :/

Try now, I forgot to Grunt it before i pushed it :)

Btw i'm done with the first version of my app. you can use it as a demo if you wish -> and online running at: It's a very simple first angular app though! thanks again for the quick help.

Nice man, looking good =). Always happy to help!